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Pictures of people
Here are some random pictures I have, some are from Newfane's graduation and others are just pictures from either the last day or school or from when I went up to NY.

Newfane Graduation
The people in this picture would be (from left to right) me, Chris, Allan, Mark, Jordan, Bill, Becca, and Rob. We're at Newfane's graduation at Art Park.

Me & Becca
We're waiting for people to show up.

Becca & Bill
Awww. The lovely couple. ^_^

Becca & Bill
Becca & Bill sitting around at Lisa's party. Those were just lovely faces you guys made. ^_^

Dani, Mandy, Rabecca, Me, and Blake in the back at WCHS's Homecoming 2002

Rachel and Dani at Homecoming

Erin and Me