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I've decided to take out some of the old pictures and replace them with new ones.
Here are some random pictures, a bunch from NY and also some from down here.

Chris, me, Rob, Colin, and Becca by the shark at Darien Lake

Colin, some kid we don't know, Jordan, and Rob getting ready to go on Superman.

Me & Chris after Newfane's graduation.

The sign for the Village of Corfu, I took a picture of it because it was a funny name. ^_^

Bill & Becca after the Newfane graduation.

Bill apparently trying to strangle himself with his honors cord.

Chris and Colin(Rob was on the other side) in the car infront of us on the ferris wheel.

Asher, my dahlin' boy whom I babysit often. He's 3 years old and he's the cutest thing. haha

Asher again with his cowboy gear on.

Asher sitting infront of Bulin's house sipping from his juice box.

My sister Lizzie after her dance camp recital.

Elizabeth again.

Lizzie after we got home from her recital.

Lizz again, I was trying to use up my film as you can tell. haha

Becca and me at my house

Me and Becca again

Okay so we had a little to much fun with the webcam ^_^

Jeanette & Me at her house

Me and my little sister, Lizzie

Me and Lizzie again, and also my stuffed monkey ^_^

Kate and I when I visited NY last summer